How To Watch Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair Online

How To Watch Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair Online

Greetings, my Westerosi window envelopes! As you can probably guess, last week’s episode of Game of Thrones—and its increasing dominance over the pop culture. There has been an awakening in the Force! Explore the galaxy and master your Force with LEGO Star Wars products, games, apps, characters, videos, activities.

Mostly) Game of Thrones Edition. Greetings, my Westerosi window envelopes! As you can probably guess, last week’s episode of Game of Thrones—and its increasing dominance over the pop culture landscape—has filled the ol’ postman’s stolen mailbag to the brim. There are a few spoilers for last week’s episode, but more importantly, an answer to a question we should have been asking ourselves since the first episode: Should we want Daenerys and Jon Snow to fuck?

Aunt, Man. Aaron W.: So I’ve been struggling with this question a lot: Is it ok to ‘ship Jon/Dany? On the con side, they are aunt and nephew, which is gross. On the pro side: it would sidestep Dany needing Jon to bend the knee (and is a solution that the northmen would probably accept); it would be thematically consistent (fire/ice); and it would eliminate (almost) all of the tension for trying to root for two characters who are at odds with each other due to circumstances beyond their control (and the expectations of their subjects).

Given that, I still would come out on the con side, except that we already know that some degree of inbreeding (e. Westeros and that the Targaryens in particular practiced an even more exclusive (e. So the aunt/nephew dynamic is an absolute deal breaker to modern audiences, but maybe wouldn’t be the worst thing in Westeros?

How To Watch Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair Online

Lots of reasons it would be good, but one BIG reason it is unacceptable. Thoughts? Shipping is… shipping. I’ve seen worse than aunt and nephew.

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Much worse. And the show is definitely presenting them as future romantic partners/fuckbuddies, which makes it as legitimate as these things get. Their familial relationship may freak you out, but that’s sort of the point. GRRM wants to show a medieval, feudal- type era with all the awfulness most fantasies skip over.

The official Star Wars Twitter has dropped three brief “Star Wars Blips” animated shorts in just as many days, filling our Labor Day weekend with a joyful look at. Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, marketed as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is the. Cities: Skylines’ PlayStation version has a release date of August 15th. You can ruin tiny simulated peoples’ commutes on so many platforms! I think they released the teasers way too early. Should have put them out like 1 month or less before releasing the Plinkett reviews. I wonder and am starting to.

The relentless sexism, the rape and torture, the horror that regular people could and did experience constantly as the result of what the nobility chose to do—you can absolutely complain about how omnipresent it is in his stories and/or how it’s portrayed, but it’s not inaccurate to the source material of that reality. And one part of that reality is medieval (and certainly ancient) nobility’s tendency toward incest, especially between uncles and nieces—to the point where its got its own name, avunculate marriage. As you said, the books/show have already shown that Targaryens have been more than willing to marry within the family in order to keep their bloodline pure, so there’s a precedent for Jon and Dany starting a relationship.

And since we’re talking about an aunt and nephew here (since Jon is the son of Dany’s deceased brother Rhaegar) and not uncle/niece, a Jon/Dany hook- up would… kind of strike a blow for Westerosi gender equality, in a tiny, messed up way. At any rate, as a Targaryen, Daenerys is obviously going to be down with getting down with Jon Snow, as it would be kind of meaningless to sieze the Iron Throne without leaving a new Targaryen line to carry on ruling. I am far more skeptical that Jon would be cool with sleeping with his aunt, given the rest of Westeros isn’t nearly as cool with incest (hence Cersei and Jaime’s hiding of their sexual relationship—well, until Cersei took the throne and decided that yes, in fact, as queen she gets to have sex with anyone she wants, and everyone else has to deal with it. Or be tortured and killed). Watch Full Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Cartoon 2002. But Jon’s problem is easily solved by keeping his parentage from him until after Ice and Fire have fucked each other.

In fact, I suspect Bran is keeping/will keep the truth of Jon’s parentage from everyone until after Daenerys gets pregnant for that very reason. The Three- Eyed Raven knows this has to happen, so mum’s the word for now Or GRRM—or the show, for that matter, since we know it’s diverging from GRRM’s plan in major ways—could just throw a curveball and have Dany marry Gendry, the closest thing King Robert had to a legitimate heir, combining the Targaryen and Baratheon lines to create a progeny whose claim to the throne is unassailable throughout Westeros.

Actually, that’s a pretty good idea…Jaime in the Water. Brett H.: I see people talking everywhere about how Jaime could possibly be alive, but how?! He’s way at the bottom [of the lake] and in full armor. No way Bronn can hold his breath long enough to get down there, cut all the straps to all the pieces of the armor, pull them off, and then also pull him to safety before they both drown.

I’m not going to say it’s unrealistic, since Jaime was pushed into the water to avoid a dragon, but the point of Game of Thrones is that it has fantasy elements but it’s still realistic in the basic laws of physics. So isn’t Jaime getting rescued impossible? You bring up a good point about fantasy, in that the best fantasy has a set of rules, even if the audience doesn’t know them, and doesn’t break them. Someone suddenly having a “hoist person out of lake” spell to save Jaime would be dumb.

Tyrion running down the hell and begging Dany to have Drogon fish the dude who was about to kill her out of the lake is more realistic for Go. T, but implausible in terms of Dany’s character and the time it would take for Tyrion to get down to Dany and ask for her to save his brother. So that leaves Bronn. Here’s one thing we all need to make our peace with first, right now: Game of Thrones the TV show has begun playing fast and loose with strict reality in favor of presenting the most exciting story possible. This is how armies and fleets are moving gargantuan distances in- between and sometimes even during episodes. It’s why Tyrion can pick out Jaime from half a mile away amid a battlefield full of smoke and destruction.

It’s why Cersei and her allies can suddenly kick ass or all of Highgarden’s gold can get into King’s Landing with a mutter and a handwave. There are only nine episodes left, total, as of the time this mailbag hits the nerdernet. The show doesn’t have any time to waste. Yes, part of the reason the books are so good is because they were sprawling and complicated in the way life is, and yes, the show is 1. But the choices were to either have the story on fast- forward so it actually ends next year or for Daenerys to have her first battle with Cersei’s forces in the season eight finale. So with all that said: Since Game of Thrones has forgone its sense of realism a bit, I can see it having Bronn manage to dive down to Jaime, cutting him out of his armor, and dragging him to the surface before he fatally drowns. I also, as I mentioned in my recap this week, think it doesn’t make any narrative sense for Bronn to push Jaime out of the way of a giant cone of dragon breath into a lake, only to have him immediately drown—if Weiss and Benioff are going to kill the character, having Jaime get turned into cinders by Drogon is a much, much cooler death.

So I think the show will forgo realism (I mean, how was that lake at the side of that road a full 3. Bronn will cut Jaime out of his armor and drag him to the surface (because Jaime is the one who’s going to give him a castle, after all), and the Lannister will probably live to fight another day. And I also think he’ll be the one to perform those (book spoilers) valonqar duties, and obviously, he can’t do that if he’s dead. Last time I looked, I didn’t see any friendly priests of R’hllor nearby.

Where to even begin? The Spoils of War” was the reason we watch Game of Thrones, one of those…Read more Gone But Not Forgotten. Michael V.: Postman,After re- watching GOT from the beginning a few times, I believe that Ser Barristan Selmy is one character whose presence would enhance Season 7 while not distracting from the current main plots of the show. Ser Barristan would have been the most solid member of Daenerys’ Queensguard due to military and combat experience, but his relationship to Rhaegar is most interesting. When Dany tells Jon that everyone loves doing what they’re best at, Jon disagrees. Ser Barristan once told Dany a similar story about her brother Rhaegar preferring singing in the street to killing.

How To Watch Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair Online
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